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Monday, March 22, 2010

Strengths and Oppostunities of the Right To Play!

The Right To Play is committed to every child's right to play. This organization was established by John Koss to give children a chance to become constructive participants in society, regardless of gender, disability, ethnicity, social background or religion. Through games and sports, we help create social change in communities affected by war, poverty and disease. Follow John Koss, who currently has 1, 214 followers on twitter

The social media tools that they are using through facebook, blogger, twitter, myspace and other tools are helping them find conversations that give the public who are interested, insight into what individuals are saying about this non-for-profit organization. This gives the Right To Play an opporutnity to engage with the public on their terms, and as a resource.

A team of top athletes from more than 40 countries support right to play. As role models, these athletes inspire children and raise awareness about right To play internationally. Their aim is to engage key decision-makers from the development, sport, business, media and government sectors and further ensure every child benefits from the positive power of sport and play.

The strengths of this organization are

1. Maintaining an organization profile page
2. Using social media, such as twitter, facebook, blogger to didistribute press releases, news items, the lates informaiton about the organization as well as interact with the publics
3. Monitoring and responding to mentions about the organization, its latest initiaitves such as in Lebanon and South Africa
4. Interacting with bloggers, volunteers, those that are interested in this type of organization.

It has a unique appeal, because it involves olympic athletes like Silken Laumann, a gold medalist in rowing who are generally interested in helping inpoversihed countries through giving their time and love of sports to help children in those countries. They give hope and teach unique skills that sports provides you with. This site showcases videos of Lance Armstrong, the Archbishop Desmond Tutu and General Kofi Anna.

The opportunities of increasing the following for John Kross and others has alot of potential in terms growing in numbers. Twitter and other channels of social media deliver the ability to communicate immediately. As a customer contact tool, where speed does count, this immediacy has great potential. The function is twitter is to share breaking news, extend a personal face to volunteers, board memebers, donors and keeping in immediate touch with people who are interested in helping. Also notifying followers or upcomming events, or what they are doing around the world and what type of Olympic athletes are involved.

This organization understands that conversations are going to take place, with or without you. If you are not apart of the conversation, then you are leaving it to others to answer questions and provide information, whether it is accurate or incorrect. Or even worse, you may be leaving it up to other organizations to jump in, whether it be United Way, or another non-for-profit and become the resource for the community. Since social media tools are free, people are already using them, and there is an opportunity cost for not getting involved today.

Please look at Jenna's blog who wrote about strategies and tactics
Please look at Karolina's blog who wrote about weaknesses

Monday, March 1, 2010


I have made a presentation on slideshare which outlines my personal brand. It encompasses my interests, goals, strategies for achievement, and social media applications that are among the ones that will present a distinctive online image.

The internet-connected class worldwide faces growing pressure to cultivate a personal brand. Dan Schawbel, author of "Me 2.0: Build a Powerful Brand to Achieve Career Success," stated that "the Internet has forced everyone in the world to become a marketer." The rise of the personal brand reflects changing economic structures, as secure lifetime employment gives way to a churning market in tasks. It suggests a new unscriptedness in institutions as we evolve from the broadcast age to the age of retweets. It argues a future in which we all function like one-person conglomerates, calculating how every action affects our positioning.

The personal-branding field traces its origin to the 1997 essay "The Brand Called You," by the management expert Tom Peters. Only with the rise of easy-to-use social media tools has one-person brand management become practical.

Please take a look at this slideshow, and I am interested in anyone's feedback, because I know that this is a process and I will be adding to my personal brand as I encounter new experiences and increase in expertise and knowledge.